Rain prediction in the knot between Jundiaí & El Kharja oasis
Through the rain, a knot was tied between the atlantic forest in Jundiaí and the desert in El Kharja, connecting two opposite tropical lines beyond flood and drought in a chaotic current instead. Tupã and Nu converse starring at the primordial watery abyss. They speak of a world in relation and plurality, of a time measured by storms and drizzle, freed from the ticking clocks that imprison the world's language. In an attempt to make their voice heard, they chant an ever-changing poem through the vocal chords of their daughters-sons, together-apart the ones who feel the work of time as rain.
Best viewed on Chrome, Brave, and Firefox browsers. Tap/drag to go around the knot, scroll to zoom in/out. Turn on/up the sound volume.
Best viewed on Chrome, Brave, and Firefox browsers.
Tap/drag to go around the knot, scroll to zoom in/out.
Turn on/up the sound volume.