Web Residencies by Akademie Schloss Solitude

The Web Residencies program was initiated by Akademie Schloss Solitude in 2016 to support young talents from the international digital scene as well as artists of all disciplines who deal with web-based practices to present the process and results of their work online. In the years 2017–2020, Akademie Schloss Solitude and ZKM | Center for Art and Media have announced in cooperation nine calls for web residencies with different topics that were designed by invited curators.

Find out more about the Digital Solitude program and subscribe to the Digital Solitude newsletter to receive the latest calls and news.

The project Digital Solitude’s Carrier Bag of Knowledge was initiated in 2024/2025 and features an online crowd-sourced compendium of research on the politics and aesthetics of digital cultures. Further, it fosters a digital space for web-residents to exchange knowledge. Find out more about the project and visit the Digital Solitude’s Carrier Bag of Knowledge.

Call for Web Residencies

Call for Web Residencies & Interviews


For its twentieth call for web residencies, Akademie Schloss Solitude collaborated closely with Mindy Seu, a designer and technologist, and Charles Broskoski, co-founder of Are.na, a platform for organizing knowledge and connecting ideas. The open call for »Tools for Citation« invited artists and creatives to critically and experimentally explore and expand the concepts of »tools« and »citation.« The six selected projects creatively explore expansive citational practices through theoretical, poetic, and performative approaches.

Web residents: Anisha Baid, Anne Braune, Hyunseo Cho, Devin Kenny, Khokhoi (mary alinney villacastin), Shaheer Tarar

For the nineteenth call for web residencies, Akademie Schloss Solitude’s Digital Solitude program is collaborating closely with Liquid Architecture. The Naarm (Melbourne)–based art organization Liquid Architecture supports radical interdisciplinary experimentations offering a platform for artists working with sound – from our everyday data-driven world to the dissonant, beat-driven resonant sounds that defy definition. The residency »Algorithmic Poetry.« looks at how sound may poetically speak with algorithms and networks. In form and concept, we are attuned to critique, poetic proliferation, mutation, decay, adaptation, and the subversion of algorithms.

Web residents: Bola Chinelo, Fileona Dkhar, BF/kirby fary, Sherese Francis, Hannan Jones & Shamica Ruddock, and Moritz Nahold & Kenneth Constance Loe

Trigger the Score. Follow the Link.

Moritz Nahold and Kenneth Constance Loe in conversation with Jazmina Figueroa and Denise Helene Sumi

On Fractals, Roots, and Portals

Fileona Dkhar in conversation with Lucreccia Quintanilla and Suvani Suri

There Is Room for Everyone (Or Everything) To Be Heard

Bola Chinelo in conversation with Lucreccia Quintanilla and Suvani Suri

Dispersal of Data

kirby in conversation with Lucreccia Quintanilla and Suvani Suri

Endless Sonification, Techno-creolization

Shamica Ruddock and Hannan Jones in conversation with Denise Sumi

ALTeks: NGLitcholalia

Sherese Francis in conversation with Jazmina Figueroa

»Magical Hackerism or The Elasticity of Resilience« offered four web residencies to practitioners and communities within the tropical belt, exploring situated knowledges, forming local DIT (Do It Together) community networks, and/or connecting intertropically on a planetary level.

Web residents: Adaptive Relations Working Group (Mica Cabildo & JM Quiblat), Chidumaga Uzoma Orji, Jô Osbórnia & Jota Ramos, Islam Shabana & Luiz Zanotello

On Solar Engineering – woe is us?

Mica Cabildo in Conversation with Denniz Dizon

Putting the Love into Networked Systems

Chidumga Uzoma Orji in Conversation with Neema Githere

Disruptive Bodies, Anti-Colonial Language Models, and Counter Archives

Jô Osbórnia and Jota Ramos in Conversation with Gabriela Kühnhardt Alvarez

Rain. Carrier of Stories and Sounds

Alejo Duque on the project of Luiz Zanotello and Islam Shabana

»Undesired by the Market: Resting!« invited artists to experience, explore and enjoy taking a restful break in a utopian space of possibility from an intersectional and queer feminist perspective. Because the radical break – whether in the form of creative freedom in the context of a virtual artist residency or a self-chosen sabbatical – is, above all, one thing: a space of possibility.

Mia Imani Harrison, Thùy Trang Nguyễn & akiko soyja, Okwei Odili, and Lorin Sookool

»Solidarity is a verb« invited artists and collectives, to foreground the relational quality of solidarity, its ability to articulate politics and construct collective agency as a necessity of now. With »Solidarity is a verb« we encouraged practitioners to imagine ways of negotiating distance and proximity, and shaping a continuous production of relation grounded on common differences.

Web residents: Castle of Crossed Destinies (Aouefa Amoussouvi, Sasha Engelmann, and Olivia Berkowicz), Distributed Cognition Cooperative (Sasha Shestakova & Anna Engelhardt), Simona Dumitriu & Ramona Dima, Simina Neagu, Elia Nurvista, and More of Us (Teesa Bahana, Carolina Campuzano, Lauren von Gogh, Veronique Poverello, Syafiatudina, and Erik Tlaseca, Rogelio Vazquez)

Cross-Pollination: When Tarot-Reading, DIY Pirate Radio, and Raw Cacao Rituals Intersect

Interview with Castle of Crossed Destinies

Swarm: A Platform of Care

Interview with Distributed Cognition Cooperative

Workers: Support, Solidarize, Organize!

Interview with Simona Dumitriu and Ramona Dima (a.k.a. Claude & Dersch)

To the Communal Kitchen

Interview with Elia Nurvista

1953-From Port of Spain to Bucharest

Interview with Simina Neagu

A Solidarity Network That Starts From Within

Interview with More of Us

The »Mutations« web residency invited artists and collectives to working on the heterogenous theme of mutations – biological, sociopolitical, technological – in relation to the global digital divide. The call supported artists, programmers, hacktivists, researchers, and other practitioners that offer mutations to the aesthetic and political underpinning of digital and internet-based art.

Web residents: Aparto cifi, Mac Andre Arboleda, Juan Pablo García Sossa, Giorgi Rodionov, and Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga & Kurt Olmstead

Moving away from all-encompassing dystopian future scenarios, »Post-Doom« called for us to rethink beginnings and experiences that reveal the longing for a whole, unmediated potential of our present and future.

Web residents: Uma Breakdown, Shirin Fahimi, Peter Polack, and Danae Tapia

Free Your Mind. Death Will Come

Uma Breakdown in Conversation with Johanna Hedva

Pattern Recognition: From Tracing Figures in Sand to Devising Other Futures

Shirin Fahimi in Conversation with Mara-Johanna Kölmel

Counter Cartogarphy and Cooperative Acts of Refusal

Peter Polack in Conversation with Pedro Oliveira

»Muntu Maxims«, we intend to bring together different areas of spirituality from cultures all over the world, and to highlight selected examples online.

Web residents: Lark Alder, Marie-Eve Levasseur, Zahra Malkani, and Nkhensani Mkhari

Honoring the Moon’s Otherworldy Presence

Lark Alder in Conversation with Denise Helene Sumi

Borne of the Flowing Water

Marie-Eve Levasseur in Conversation with Mara Johanna-Kölmel

The More People Who Participate and Believe in the Power of a Nkisi, the More Power It Will Accrue

Nkhensani Mkhari in Conversation with Thomas Dumke

»Engineering Care« investigated automated care’s possibilities and limitations, gains and losses. The call invited artists, designers, technologists, and activists to submit proposals for new or ongoing works that capture how we will live and work with machines, and how relationships and dependencies might change.

Web residents: Johanna Bruckner, Hanna Husberg, Agata Marzecova, Pedro Oliveira, and Caroline Sinders

TECHNO-SEX BOTS: Molecular Sex, Synthetic Love and Quantum Bodies

Johanna Bruckner in Conversation with Sandra Ohey

In Recent Years, We Learnt a Lot of Technical Words (…)

Interview with Hanna Husberg and Agata Marzecova

The Timbral Matter of Voice and the Right to Opacity

Interview with Pedro Oliveira

Bridging the Care Gap of Social Media Systems

Interview with Caroline Sinders

»Rigged Systems« asked for projects that aim to subvert the power structures in contemporary network systems and that wish to reclaim a sense of agency within the systems where it feels like there is none left. Proposals that playfully rethink the political power balance, imagine new ways of circumventing censorship, or build alternative networks to corporate-owned infrastructures are among the four selected submissions for the web residencies.

Web residents: DISNOVATION.ORG, Sam Lavigne, Xiaowei Wang, and Gary Zhexi Zhang & Agnes Cameron

From Surveillance Capitalism to Glitch Capitalism

Interview with DISNOVATION.ORG

Demystify the Algorithmic Recommendation

Interview with Sam Lavigne

Shanzhai, Poetry and Bypassing Censorship

Interview with Xiaowei Wang

Flora, Fauna and Folk Tales – A Permaculture Network

Interview with Gary Zhexi Zhang and Agnes Cameron

»Violent Consumer Media« seeked to explore how consumer technologies and user-generated online content affect both the representation and performance of violence. »Violent Consumer Media« invited artists, designers, technologists, and activists to engage with the role of mobile phones, action cameras, toy drones and other digital gadgets in warfare, terrorism, hunting, and other forms of subjective violence.

Web residents: Leonardo Aranda, Ronnie Karfiol, Kosta Tonev, and Miyö Van Stenis

Where are the transformational archives of the South; bringing ghosted cultures to the fore? Where are the break-up letters for the Western digital world? »Ghosted (2018)« invited artists, hackers, visual and audio makers, subaltern archivists and southern healers for creative and artistic practices on non-Western explorations of cultural capital.

Web residents: Juan Covelli, Dananayi Muwanigwa, Léa Porré, and Sahej Rahal

Ancient Gods and Digital Power

Interview with Juan Covelli

Dignity, Grace, and Wonder

Interview with Dananayi Muwanigwa

Dreams of Hyperreal Oases

Interview with Léa Porré

The Formation of the Contemporary Myth

Interview with Sahej Rahal

Against the background of climate change, rising sea-levels and the chemical alteration and industrialization of the planet, this call asked for new open–source strategies for undoing the trap of this planetary shift. »Planetary Glitch« invited artists, designers, (bio)hackers, technologists, storytellers, writers, healers and shape-shifters to hand in pleasure tutorials, witchcraft and alchemy, collective coping mechanisms, online networks of care, information emancipation, training exercises, and other formats.

Web residents: Jennifer Katanyoutanant, Tiare Ribeaux, Bassem Saad, Miriam Simun, and Natasha Tontey

The Dinner Table: Reconstructing Mukbang

Interview with Jennifer Katanyoutanant

Bioplastics Cookbook for Ritual Healing

Interview with Tiare Ribeaux

A Calamitous Note in a Planetary Chain

Interview with Bassem Saad

Body Shifts in a Techno-Anthropocentric World

Interview with Miriam Simun

The Future is a Cockroach

Interview with Natasha Tontey

This was a call for »the female future«. The feminism that is more than women; it is a philosophy of non-male, non-cis, non-white, non-western. »Refiguring the Feminist Future« invited artists, activists, poets, writers, feminists, and dreamers for challenging existing histories and speculative futures through storytelling and counter narrative imagining using web as their platform.

Web residents: Tesia Kosmalski, Umber Majeed, Rasheedah Phillips, and Luiza Prado

The Story of a Moss Woman

Interview with Tesia Kosmalski

Green Light and Atomic Blast

Interview with Umber Majeed

Black Futurism & Technologies of Joy

Interview with Rasheedah Phillips

Radical Care in the Space of Excess

Interview with Luiza Prado

»An AI Summer« invited artists from all disciplines to address AI as a topic or employ AI methods in the creation of their work.

Web residents: Nora Al-Badri & Jan Nikolai Nelles, Elaine Hoey & Alan Butler, Lauren McCarthy, and Sascha Pohflepp & Chris Woebken

Caring Machines and Institutional angst

Interview with Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles

Find Your Perfect AI Artist Companion – Ensure Your Leisure

Interview with Elaine Hoey and Alan Butler

Hacking Into Closeness

Interview with Lauren McCarthy

»Fractal Horses« invited artists of all disciplines to challenge the complexity and tensions of patterns and chaos.

Web residents: Eric Parren, Jean-Michel Rolland, Nicolas Sassoon, and Jeffrey Allan Scudder

»Blowing the Whistle, Questioning Evidence« invited artists, hackers, technologic experts, computer scientists and activists who have been working actively on the topic of truth-telling, leaking, and counter-surveillance, with the aim of exposing misconducts and wrongdoings to participate.

Web residents: Julia Bonk, Hang Do Thi Duc, Adam Harvey, Joana Moll, and Marloes de Valk

Get to Know Your Data Self

Interview with Hang Do Thi Duc

The Future of Living with Surveillance

Interview with Adam Harvey

Tracking the Google Trackers

Interview with Joana Moll

Welcome to the Denial Machine

Interview with Marloes de Valk

»SUPRAINFINIT: L'Avenir Redux« welcomed ideas, fantasies, and manifestoes for rituals, dreams, exchanges, objects, energies, knowledge and new words for »other futures.«

Web residents: Haseeb Ahmed, Polly Gregson, Paul Simon Richards, and Megan Snowe

Messier, Stickier, Gooier

Megan Snowe in Conversation with Steph Kretowicz

»Re-entering the Ultimate Display« invited (digital) artists and scientists to revisit cyberspace and share their virtual reality wonderlands, dream sculptures, and marketplaces for lost memories.

Web residents: Brud, Manuel Minch, and Jeremy Rotsztain

Born on the Internet

Interview with Manuel Minch

The House of Shadow Silence

Interview with Jeremy Rotsztain

»Who wants to post stuff on the same platform as Donald Trump?« For the first call for Web Residencies in February 2016, the curators and jurors NETRO were looking for web installations, web performances, or web sculptures which deal with the topic »Decentralization of Internet Art.«

Web residents: Travis Hallenbeck, Institue for New Feeling, and Dina Karadžić & Vedran Gligo

A Disillusioned Netizen

Interview with Travis Hallenbeck

This is SEO

Interview with the Insitute for New Feeling

Pivilion – Art in the Dark Net

Interview with Dina Karadžić & Vedran Gligo

Unless otherwise stated, the interviews were conducted by current and former Digital Solitude team members: Clara Herrmann, Thomas Dumke, Sophie Charlotte Opitz, Sarie Nijboer, Inga Seidler, and Denise Sumi