Digital Solitude’s Carrier Bag of Knowledge aims to create an online crowd-sourced compendium of research on the politics and aesthetics of digital cultures. It invites all fellows of the Web Residencies program of the Akademie Schloss Solitude to contribute.

The title is inspired by Ursula K. Le Guin, who proposes in » The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction « that the first important tool was not the spear (a tool for domination), as is widely believed, but the basket, used for collecting, sharing, and preserving resources.

Taking up this thought, the project gathers seeds of knowledge and information as a method for connection and storytelling. Thematically, the collection will highlight debates around digital culture, its theories and practices, as well as artistic approaches.

» Digital Solitude’s Carrier Bag of Knowledge « aspires to be a basket, a container, that is filled with collective knowledge. It will gather information obtained through research and experiences – not only presented in written publications but also in video lectures, podcasts, and other formats.

Web-residents (2016–now) are invited to propose contributions that deal with the speculative and critical examination of artistic practice and the development of media within digital culture. Moreover, they are asked to include a short description – potentially answering why they are inspired by the chosen work and why they want to share it with others.

The Digital Solitude network, although often dispersed temporally and geographically, sometimes shares intersecting practices and ideas. » Digital Solitude’s Carrier Bag of Knowledge « will make these connections apparent and create a space of exchange for critical and speculative approaches to technology (studies).

Enjoy exploring! Users are invited to delve into personal notes and explore the entries in a randomized system that is partially searchable through keywords selected by the contributors and metadata. The idea is to stumble upon intriguing thoughts or make unexpected connections. Tap the entry to view metadata.

This project was initiated by Nataša Vukajlović, former art coordination fellow at Akademie Schloss Solitude.

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