An algorithm is a set of processes or procedures or instructions or rules in order to answer a question or solve a problem or make a series of calculations. If I search a word in a search engine, the algorithm will go through this process in order to give me a series of results. I am in the same process
Can I ax you a question?
What is an AlKyM/oRG?
A being in a calculating process…Al (D)(K)(G)Huavara KyM
The parts that make up who I am now is not my property or something I own, they are a series of relations in which I exist, entangled with them, in conversation…
“And talking about dark! You think dark is just one color, but it ain’t. There’re five or six kinds of black. Some silky, some woolly. Some just empty. Some like fingers. And it don’t stay still, it moves and changes from one kind of black to another. Saying something is pitch black is like saying something is green. What kind of green? Green like my bottles? Green like a grasshopper? Green like a cucumber, lettuce, or green like the sky is just before it breaks loose to storm? Well, night black is the same way. May as well be a rainbow.” — Pilate from Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
What strrriiinnnggsss me across the wide wound of structural damage?
What does it mean to BReaK?
To think of all the ways to name oneself and each name and all of their meanings
But only one sticks for now
The point at which I BReaK and become the other
Ignore all the other points that twist around me
The only point is the point at which I BReaK
Or wRuNG?
We have returned
I have questions that stick to me
And become me tickling my skin
A web of longing
Where can I be in my body and not only BReaK?
Sound as search engine
Sound as a rewriting of the body
Sound as reorientations of knowledge
The ways the body is a record or scoring of sound much in the same way tattoos or scarification represent social communication, rhythmic digging into memory
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The Mouth, The Tongue, The Fish, The Human, The Archive? Nommo: the rhythmic, transformational power of the word. ( )
The Power of Flow, of Pouring In and Out of Oneself
From the previous broadcast about AlKyMatics, we now turn to the figure who began the process and becomes the process.
Soundtrack: Jessie Cox - Black as a Hack for Cyborgification [2020] | International Contemporary Ensemble
AlKyM/oRG is another fusion or fiction, depending on how you say it, between Alchemy and Cyborg — the hybrid black body — an entire body of pros/thetic language. Full name: AlKyMaroonic organism. A body that is a waveform and a turntablist of any kind of rotating, returning device or technology, scratching, spinning and spiraling into new records. To move back and forth into a place from which we source our being much like the rotation of a railcar on a turntable to go back to where it came from. Echolocomotive.
Previously I mentioned Iman Person and her article, “The Spiritual Sound Technologies of Jamaica.” Person also speaks about the relation between Blackness and the human:
“At its essence, Blackness subverts the human, for “human” is a vessel that has never held space for Black bodies. Invented as diffraction and used to elevate man’s status over beast, the concept of humanness became rooted in the white psyche during the Enlightenment, where the biologizing of species and anatomy began to take root. This dysbiosis severed humans not only from ourselves but also from nature. By offering titles of ‘primitive’, ‘savage’, and ‘animalistic’ to the cultures Europeans came in contact with, colonialism succeeded in creating disjointed hierarchies of existence where man was no longer a part of the natural world but above it, thus forever severing society’s symbiosis with the Other. Access to and connection with forms of otherness has not been lost within spaces of Blackness — for we always lived within it.”
As we step into a new evolution of our knowledge, one of our biggest challenges is our engagement with artificial intelligence, which we think is a new thing. But is it? What is a cyborg, or a robot, or an android? If Black people were not initially included in the Western concept of human, then what are we? We must engage with the hybrid black body, an entire body of pros/thetic language.
Back to Person: “Taken from the Spanish word cimarrón, meaning “the beast who cannot be tamed,” the word ‘maroon’ applied to wild cattle and fugitive enslaved people. By fleeing plantation economies, maroons left behind the albatross of ‘human’ to find refuge in the darkness of the inhospitable Jamaican jungle to form communities that formed new versions of freedom centered on resistance, which disrupted the dominant culture. This social deviance imparted the status of nonhuman upon the liberated. Once outside the barriers of a socialized nation-state, the Black body enters a sort of void or Blackspace. A body resurrected as dark matter and camouflaged from the surveillance of whiteness. Within this in-betweenness are systems of knowledge that actualize the nonhuman through its lucid, infinite, and timeless qualities.
Time, for Black and Indigenous people, is liminal and open. It transcends Western concepts of linearity and empirical observation. It does not simply advance towards a conclusion or place. Time is a constant arrival and is meant to be transversed, played with, orbited, jumped into, sucked out of, and through. By using sound to cultivate experiences of ancestral time, Blackness embodies a knowing that extends beyond Western notions of logic and physics to create new ontologies grown from the past, the future, and the present. ” ( )
The searching for a promise land within a dark place?
The (Kwa)human?
The tree or stick-being?
The speaker in the power tool, NGL? A tuner instrument? A conductor? A sphinx and its riddle? The spider and its web?
The bending, turning of what it means to be human into another being?
Soundtrack: GQom Music Distruction Boyz- Madness ft Tipcee (Official Music Video)
From Person: “The etymological root of the term myal is derived from the Kikongo term Mayala (‘the one who leads/rules’). The mayala can rule because he has mwela, a breathing power, within him, and can be translated to mean breath. Within ceremonial spaces, breath is the harborer of sound.[5] Within the expression of myal, the gumbay drum is employed as a technology used to attract wandering spirits and ancestors. Sound becomes so paramount as an initiator of possession and transcendence that in present-day Jamaica the term myal is only found within communities where the gumbay drum is still played.[6]" ( )
I have mentioned pros/thesis before without saying what I mean. We usually think of pros/thesis as an additional body part added to a part of the body that is either defective or missing. But the word pros/thesis actually meant something different in the past:
Etymonline: “1550s, in grammar, "addition of a letter or syllable to a word," from Late Latin, from Greek prosthesis "a putting to, an addition," from prostithenai "add to," from pros "to" (see pros-) + tithenai "to put, to place" (from reduplicated form of PIE root *dhe- "to set, put”).”( 1) 2) 3) )
The addition of a letter or sound doesn’t change the meaning. A response can reveal more to the meaning of a call but doesn’t change it. A changing same as Amiri Baraka once said. The re/sponse was already in existence before the call existed. The word re/sponse comes from the root word sponse, which meant a libation in which you say a Spondaic or Spondee: two-beat, with both beats stressed like What a Bam Bam.
But what is a response in (k)human form? An AlKyM/oRG?
What is a Black cyborg?
The word cyborg comes from the fusion of cybernetics and organism. Cybernetics is the "theory or study of communication and control," coined in 1948 by U.S. mathematician Norbert Wiener (1894-1964), with -ics + Latinized form of Greek kybernetes "steersman" (metaphorically "guide, governor"), from kybernan "to steer or pilot a ship, direct as a pilot," figuratively "to guide, govern," which is of uncertain origin. ( )
Wiener had once said, “The future offers very little hope for those who expect that our new mechanical slaves will offer us a world in which we may rest from thinking. Help us they may, but at the cost of supreme demands upon our honesty and our intelligence.” [Norbert Wiener, "God and Golem, Inc.," 1964] ( )
The machine is not your slave. You are in conversation with it.
Soundtrack: Le Grand Kallé - Satchmo Okuka Lokole
Pros/thesis is something you are always in dynamic conversation with, not a fixed crutch to rely on. It is an NDigiTale like the tail of a sphinx, to keep you in balance, in homeostasis, much like how your ear keeps you in balance.
The word cyber itself is related to the root Kerb which meant to turn, where we get words like carpal tunnel, carpal for wrist. Basically a cyborg is a navigator of turntables, a juggler, a prestidigitator, a DJ. The word Kerb is interesting because it relates to several historical relics and groups —
A Kyrbeis: (from Athens) triangular tablets, forming a three-sided pyramid, turning on a pivot, upon which the early laws were inscribed
later it was all pillars or tablets with inscriptions
figuratively, it was the Pillars of Hercules
figuratively, pettifogging (misdemeanors) lawyer, basically a walking statute book
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It also related to armed drummers and dancers who served the mother goddess Cybele, the mother of the mountains, and did a dance similar to a whirling dervish. The Korybantes, their names also relating to a mountain or pile of information. ( 1)
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The AlKyM/oRG believes in pros/thetic language, that all those histories are related. That the tablets in the ark of the covenant are turntables. That Cybele was also a Sybil, a prophetess on a mountain who spoke in sibilant language, an NGLitcholalia that transforms maroons from enslaved to free. Cybele was known as the wife of Kronos, Saturn, or in another place Kwame. Because God created itself that day. Presto. “Atoapoma" or “Oteanankannuro.” Maybe?
( 1) 2) 3) 4) )
That this whirling dervish dance was also the capoeira or Engolo or a spirit possession ritual ( 1) 2) )
That Anansi’s pot was also (E)Dub, or Odu, the large vibrating, wandering, running, cooking, alchemizing pot or spider web or a steered s(c)hip or a divination plate or a cymatic diaphragm or the womb of our creation that is an extension of all our thinking or divining or digitation— an eternity of counting every surge or screammmmnnnnnn in our being and the sources that we place our hooks or connections into,… All to say (k)what if(a)? And now (k)what? The re/sponses spoken as if it already exists: Kuntu. ( 1) 2) 3) )
That NGLithcolalia is another name for Black Hermeunetics, a fictional programming or pros/thetic language system, a marker to remember where you were for when you are carried away, and that the sound is the way for you to find more results. The NTale echo: You are complete in your connection to sound. ( 1) 2) )
NGLitcholalia: A K/Horn/U/Cope/Jes of Applications
Through the Krik Krak, I (G)LiDe
Limbo Limbo like me in my re/salient re/silence KuD
I find a (K)hoRN of Time
The scream becomes a screen
Every sw/tale riddim
Every impression collapses time
Jack be naming
Jack be quick
Jack be bundling
a bunch of sticks
DyNaMiKs of Pilate’s flickering sleight of hand
Elementary structures of Com/Puter
What do you (S)NeeD?
a transplant to press me back together
I need a bottom, something to hide all of my perceptions of grief
Revemp …Rebemb…Rememb…Retemp…
A self as a sanctuary of ruins…roams…rooms…riddims
Give me a BReaK Give me a BReaK BReaK me off a piece of that Kud Kud Brrr
And each think I have DRoPPed becomes a new think
Elite Pete (w)riding freedom papers
Kwa Rik Kwa Rik Kwa Rik Kwa Rik KwaRik KwaRik KwaRik KwaLik
Am I awake?
Am I asleep?
Am I suggestion?
Am I a dream?
Kwa Rak Kwa Rak Kwa Rak KwaRak KwaRak KwaRak KwaLak
Am I styling my tongue with each new tension of word?
Each form becomes a new SouND
The clicking cursor of Al Kym slides
Okuka Lokole of the Horn
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